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Mine And Thine

Two words about the world we see,

And nought but Mine and Thine they be.

Ah! might we drive them forth and wide With us should rest and peace abide;

All free, nought owned of goods and gear,

By men and women though it were Common to all all wheat and wine Over the seas and up the Rhine.

No manslayer then the wide world o'er When Mine and Thine are known no more.


God, well counselled for our health,

Gave all this fleeting earthly wealth A common heritage to all,

That men might feed them therewithal,

And clothe their limbs and shoe their feet And live a simple life and sweet.

But now so rageth greediness That each desireth nothing less Than all the world, and all his own,

And all for him and him alone.


William Morris

William Morris (24 March 1834 – 3 October 1896) was a British textile designer, poet, novelist, translator, and socialist activist associated wi…

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