2 min read

Prayer 2 translated in English

O Lord, let any one accept any sadhana, he is free to follow its pursuit.

But to me Your name is the granter of all boons.

Karma, upasana, jnana - the various paths outlined in the Vedas for the emancipation of the soul - all are good.

But I seek only one shelter and that is Your name;

I seek nothing besides….

I have enjoyed the sweetness of Your name.

It is the fulfiller of my wishes here and in the world to come…A man may have his affection riveted anywhere as also his faith,

But I recognize my relationship with the Name - Rama; it is my father and mother.

I swear by Shankara and state the truth without hiding it,

That Tulsidas sees all good accruing to him only by repeating Your name.

In this remarkable prayer he expresses his great faith in the Divine Name.

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