2 min read


Hymn to the

Goddess of the murmuring courts,

Nicotine, my Nicotine,

Houri of the mystic sports,trailing-robed in gabardine,

Gliding where the breath hath glided,

Hidden sylph of filmy veils,

Truth behind the dream is veilédE'en as thou art, smiling ever, ever gliding,

Wraith of wraiths, dim lights

Purple, grey, and shadow




Goddess of the shadow's lights,

Nicotine, my Nicotine,

Some would set old Earth to rights,

Thou I none such ween.

Veils of shade our dream dividing,

Houris dancing, intergliding,

Wraith of wraiths and dream of faces,

Silent guardian of the old unhallowed places,

Utter symbol of all old sweet druidings,

Mem'ry of witched wold and green,

Nicotine, my Nicotine:

Neath the shadows of thy

Dreams that need no undeceiving,

Loves that longer hold me not,

Dreams I dream not any more,

Fragrance of old sweet forgotten places,

Smiles of dream-lit, flit-by

All as perfume

Deck the high road to thy

As were Godiva's coming

And all the April's blush

Were lain before her,

The stones of Coventry with spring,

So thou my mist-enwreathéd queen,

Nicotine, white Nicotine,

Riding engloried in they

Mak'st by-road of our

Thy thorough-fare.

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Ezra Pound

Ezra Weston Loomis Pound (30 October 1885 – 1 November 1972) was an expatriate American poet and critic, a major figure in the early modernist p…

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