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Sonnet LIII Drawn

Drawn by th'attractive virtue of her eyes,

My touch'd heart turns it to that happy coast;

My joyful North, where all my fortune lies,

The level of my hopes desired most.

There where my Delia , fairer than the Sun,

Deckt with her youth whereon the world smileth,

Joys in that honor which her beauty won,

Th'eternal volume which her fame compileth.

Flourish, fair Albion, glory of the North,

Neptune's darling held between his arms,

Divided from the world as better worth,

Kept for himself, defended from all harms.

Still let disarmed peace deck her and thee,

And Muse-foe Mars abroad far foster'd be.

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Samuel Daniel

Samuel Daniel (1562 – 14 October 1619) was an English poet and historian. His work and particularly the format he adopted for sonnets, was refer…

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