2 мин


When I behold how black, immortal

Drips from my deathless pen - ah, well-away!

Why should we stop at all for what I think?

There is enough in what I chance to say.

It is enough that we once came together;

What is the use of setting it to rime?

When it is autumn do we get spring weather,

Or gather may of harsh northwindish time?

It is enough that we once came together;

What if the wind have turned against the rain?

It is enough that we once came together;

Time has seen this, and will not turn again;

And who are we, who know that last intent,

To plague to-morrow with a testament!


Ezra Pound

Ezra Weston Loomis Pound (30 October 1885 – 1 November 1972) was an expatriate American poet and critic, a major figure in the early modernist p…

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