Sweet was the scene.
The spreading dolichos Extended far, down to the valley's depths, With leaves luxuriant.
The orioles Fluttered around, and on the bushy trees In throngs collected--whence their pleasant notes Resounded far in richest melody. The spreading dolichos extended far, Covering the valley's sides, down to its depths, With leaves luxuriant and dense.
I cut It down, then boiled, and from the fibres spun Of cloth, both fine and coarse, large store, To wear, unwearied of such simple dress. Now back to my old home, my parents dear To see,
I go.
The matron I have told, Who will announcement make.
Meanwhile my clothes, My private clothes I wash, and rinse my robes. Which of them need be rinsed? and which need not? My parents dear to visit, back I go.