2 мин


Twilight it is, and the far woods are dim, and the rooks      cry and call.  Down in the valley the lamps, and the mist, and a star over all,  There by the rick, where they thresh, is the drone at an end,  Twilight it is, and I travel the road with my friend.  I think of the friends who are dead, who were dear      long ago in the past,  Beautiful friends who are dead, though I know that      death cannot last;  Friends with the beautiful eyes that the dust has defiled,  Beautiful souls who were gentle when I was a child.


John Masefield

John Edward Masefield OM (/ˈmeɪsˌfiːld, ˈmeɪz-/; 1 June 1878 – 12 May 1967) was an English poet and writer, and Poet Laureate from 1930 until 19…

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