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The Voyage

As at times a moonbeam pierces Through the thickest cloudy rack,

So to me, through days so dreary,

One bright image struggles back.

Seated all on deck, we

Down the Rhine's majestic stream;

On its borders, summer-laden,

Slept the peaceful evening-gleam.

Brooding, at the feet I laid

Of a fair and gentle one,

On whose placid, pallid features Played the ruddy-golden sun.

Lutes were ringing, youth« were singing,

Swelled my heart with feeling strange;

Bluer grew the heaven above us,

Wider grew the spirit's range.

Fairy-like beside us

Rock and ruin, wood and plain ;

And I gazed on all reflected In my loved one's eyes again.


Heinrich Heine

Heinrich Heine (13 December 1797 – 17 February 1856) was a German poet, writer and literary critic. He is best known outside Germany for his ear…

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