2 min read

Song Low hung the dark clouds

OW hung the dark clouds on Plinlimmon's tall peak,

And slowly, yet surely, the winter drew near;

When Ellen, sweet Ellen, a tear on her cheek,

Exclaimed as we parted, "In May I'll be here."How swiftly I ran up the mountain's steep height,

To catch the last glimpse of an object so dear!

And, when I no longer could keep her in sight,

I thought on her promise,...."In May I'll be here."Now gladly I mark from Plinlimmon's tall

The low-hanging vapours and clouds disappear,

And climb the rough mountain, thence Ellen to seek,

Repeating her promise...."In May I'll be here."But vainly I gaze the wide prospect around,'T is May, yet no Ellen returning is near:

Oh, when shall I see her! when feel my heart bound,

As sweetly she cries, "It is May, and I'm here!"

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Amelia Opie

Amelia Opie, née Alderson (12 November 1769 – 2 December 1853), was an English author who published numerous novels in the Romantic period up to…

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