1 мин

Father Father Abraham

(On the Anniversary of Lincoln's Birth)Father,

Father Abraham,

Today look on us from above;

On us, the offspring of thy faith,

The children of thy Christ-like love.

For that which we have humbly wrought,

Give us today thy kindly smile;

Wherein we've failed or fallen short,

Bear with us,

Father, yet awhile.


Father Abraham,

Today we lift our hearts to thee,

Filled with the thought of what great

Was paid, that we might ransomed be.

Today we consecrate

Anew in hand and heart and brain,

To send this judgment down the years:

The ransom was not paid in vain.


James Weldon Johnson

James Weldon Johnson (June 17, 1871 – June 26, 1938) was an American writer and civil rights activist. He was married to civil rights activist G…

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