2 мин

To My Inconstant Mistress

When thou, poor excommunicat e        From all the joys of love, shalt see    The full reward and glorious fate        Which my strong faith shall purchase me,        Then curse thine own inconstancy.     A fairer hand than thine shall cure        That heart, which thy false oaths did wound;    And to my soul, a soul more pure        Than thine shall by Love's hand be bound,      And both with equal glory crown'd.  Then shalt thou weep, entreat, complain      To Love, as I did once to thee;  When all thy tears shall be as vain      As mine were then, for thou shalt be      Damn'd for thy false apostasy.


Thomas Carew

Thomas Carew (pronounced as "Carey"[1]) (1595 – 22 March 1640) was an English poet, among the 'Cavalier' group of Caroline poets.

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