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The Dead Poet

I dreamed of him last night,

I saw his face All radiant and unshadowed of distress,

And as of old, in music measureless,

I heard his golden voice and marked him trace Under the common thing the hidden grace,

And conjure wonder out of emptiness,

Till mean things put on beauty like a dress And all the world was an enchanted place.

And then methought outside a fast locked gate I mourned the loss of unrecorded words,

Forgotten tales and mysteries half said,

Wonders that might have been articulate,

And voiceless thoughts like murdered singing birds.

And so I woke and knew that he was dead.

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Lord Alfred Douglas

Lord Alfred Bruce Douglas (22 October 1870 – 20 March 1945) was a British poet and journalist best known as the lover of Oscar Wilde.

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