2 min read

Деревня у моря (англ.)

On the sands of a white-maned summer

With the crash of a carefree wave

He roamed in solitude somewhere

Choosing dreams from his memory's cave

Recalling brief moments in time

Reviving seasons, years gone by

He felt a dry and cool clime

Ships disappearing in the sky

Leaving nothing behind but a trace

He lamented, nothing to regain

No one would write of his grace

A century lost like a hurricane

In the distance, a village rustled

Following tradition day by day

Parrots chattered in the bushes

Inviting a lazy drowsiness to stay

Boys dug in the ravine

Etching symbols on the slopes

No eternal saga they'd glean

Their eyes burning with hope

Potter's wheels they spun with care,

Iron furnace loudly roared,

Who knew that just one bowl

Could time preserve for evermore.

And bottles, thick barrels too,

Were used until their end,

Rolling through holes and pits,

To be foundations for a friend.

On the sands of summer's prime,

With carefree waves' soft hum,

He sat and turned away from light,

To dream and let his mind become.

Drowned in abysses and in cages,

Labyrinths of deeds long gone,

Where no lamps or stars did shine,

His smarts and bravery, all undone.

He left no gift of chalk behind,

No trace on life's great board,

No mark with word or deed,

Just drew with stick upon the shore.

And like that stick, he too will fade,

Washed away by tide's great force,

He chose a humble peace of mind,

Instead of shining at life's great course.

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Александр Демичев

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