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Sonnet XXXV And Yet I Cannot

And yet I cannot reprehend the flight,

Or blame th'attempt presuming so to soar;

The mounting venture for a high delight Did make the honor of the fall the more.

For who gets wealth that puts not from the shore?

Danger hath honor, great designs their fame,

Glory doth follow, courage goes before.

And though th'event oft answers not the same,

Suffice that high attempts have never shame.

The mean observer (whom base Safety keeps),

Lives without honor, dies without a name,

And in eternal darkness ever sleeps.

And therefore,

Delia, 'tis to me no blot To have attempted, though attain'd thee not.

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Samuel Daniel

Samuel Daniel (1562 – 14 October 1619) was an English poet and historian. His work and particularly the format he adopted for sonnets, was refer…

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