1 min read

Griffy the Cooper

The cooper should know about tubs.

But I learned about life as well,

And you who loiter around these graves Think you know life.

You think your eye sweeps about a wide horizon, perhaps,

In truth you are only looking around the interior of your tub.

You cannot lift yourself to its rim And see the outer world of things,

And at the same time see yourself.

You are submerged in the tub of yourself — Taboos and rules and appearances,

Are the staves of your tub.

Break them and dispel the witchcraft Of thinking your tub is life!

And that you know life!

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Edgar Lee Masters

(August 23, 1868 – March 5, 1950) was an American attorney, poet, biographer, and dramatist. He is the author of Spoon River Anthology, The New …

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