2 мин

Frodos Lament For Gandalf

When evening in the Shire was greyhis footsteps on the Hill were heard;before the dawn he went awayon journey long without a word.

From Wilderland to Western shore,from northern waste to southern hill,through dragon-lair and hidden doorand darkling woods he walked at will.

With Dwarf and Hobbit,

Elves and Men,with mortal and immortal folk,with bird on bough and beast in den,in their own secret tongues he spoke.

A deadly sword, a healing hand,a back that bent beneath its load;a trumpet-voice, a burning brand,a weary pilgrim on the road.

A lord of wisdom throned he sat,swift in anger, quick to laugh;an old man in a battered hatwho leaned upon a thorny staff.

He stood upon the bridge aloneand Fire and Shadow both defied;his staff was broken on the stone,in Khazad-dûm his wisdom died.


J R R Tolkien

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (3 January 1892 – 2 September 1973) was an English writer, poet, philologist, and academic, best known as the author o…

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