2 мин

On the Field of Kulicovo

The river stretched.

It flows, idly grieves,

And washes both banks.

In steppe, above light clay of

Rinks mourn in ranks.

O Russia!

Dear wife!

With clearness and

We see the lengthy way!

It sent an arrow of ancient Tartar reign -In breast it lay.   The way through steppes and an incessant plight,

Through your, o Russia, lot!

And alien dark and dark of nightI fear not.

Let be the night.

We'll ride and light in

Camp-fires late.

The holy flag will flash in fume,

And Khan's steel blade…And endless battle!

We only dream of

Through blood and dust…The mare of steppes flies on and flees,

And tramples the grass…There's no end!

The miles and cliffs flash

Stop crazy flood!

The frightened clouds go fast,

Sun sets in blood!

Sun sets in blood!

Blood streams from heart away!

O cry, my heart…There's no peace!

Through steppe the

Prolongs the flight!

Translated by Yevgeny Bonver,


Edited by Dmitry Karshtedt,

February, 2001


Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Blok

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok (28 November 1880 – 7 August 1921) was a Russian lyrical poet, writer, publicist, playwright, translator, literary …

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