2 мин

The Land of Dreams

Awake, awake, my little boy!

Thou wast thy mother's only joy;

Why dost thou weep in thy gentle sleep?

Awake! thy father does thee keep."O, what land is the Land of Dreams?

What are its mountains, and what are its streams?

O father!

I saw my mother there,

Among the lilies by waters fair."Among the lambs, clothŽd in white,

She walk'd with her Thomas in sweet delight.

I wept for joy, like a dove I mourn;

O! when shall I again return?"Dear child,

I also by pleasant

Have wander'd all night in the Land of Dreams;

But tho' calm and warm the waters wide,

I could not get to the other side."Father,

O father! what do we

In this land of unbelief and fear?

The Land of Dreams is better

Above the light of the morning star."


William Blake

William Blake (28 November 1757 – 12 August 1827) was an English poet, painter, and printmaker. Largely unrecognised during his lifetime, Blake …

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