2 мин

Dont ask me for the same love my sweetheart

Dont ask me for the same love, my sweetheartI thought that life was radiant because of

Why complain of worldly woes, once in your

Your countenance brings eternity to the youth of

What else is there in the world but for the beauty of your

If you were mine, my destiny would surrender to

This was not so, only my wish for it to

There are sufferings in the world other than the suffering of

There are pleasures other than the delight of our

Dark, heinous spells of uncountable centuries.

Woven into rich silk and precious brocadesbeing sold in every corner, bodies,covered in dirt, drenched in blood.

Bodies, burning in hot ovens of

Pus seeping from open, lacerating wounds.

My sight returns to this as well,

I am

Your beauty is heart-warming still, but I am

There are sufferings in the world other than the suffering of

There are pleasures other than the delight of our

Dont ask me for the same love, my sweetheart!

Translation by Hamid Rahim Sheikh


Faiz Ahmed Faiz

Faiz Ahmad Faiz (13 February 1911 – 20 November 1984) was a Pakistani Muslim Marxist, poet, and author in Urdu. He was one of the most celebrate…

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