3 min read

The silence I saw

last night I saw

silence Humming a song

Staring at the stars.

The sky was clear

and she wasn't feeling fear,

as there she found no chaos near,

noticing her voice after decades of noise

Beetles and nightingale showed up and danced,

She still was lying

Staring at the stars.

She looked carefree last night,

From the horror of chaos and petty wars.

Her gentle voice made me awe her beauty

As i never knew this was her duty

To make humankind sleep in dark,

with soundless sleep in endless dreams.

Last night i saw how flawless she could be,

Curing my life from dominating fears,

She made my heart overwhelm with jovial tears.

I never saw humans, so relaxed and warm.

She did her magic,

Still staring at her stars.

But suddenly her fear creeped near,

Then she got up ignoring the stars.

She moved here and regained her fear

She moved there and found no peace.

I was troubled and Hesitant

When she went mute,

Searching for the peace, I begged for her to flute

What on earth she was troubled for?

Plangently I asked and she flew away suddenly.

Robbing me from my lot,

and left me alone with my hideous fear

blowing my might like feather in the air

totally like a withered flower on the grass.

But, this time with no chaos in my heart

I was smiling even in the chaos and dark,

As she silently freed me from the captivity

that bound my soul.

I slept hard dreaming about the night,

when I was wide awake at dawn,

I told them about my sight,

and made them to nurture the Silence

To restore the peace in human life.

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