2 мин


I look in the mirror, my face is distorted. 

How could I be loved. 

 I’m standing in shallow water, safe, stagnate and sad. 

I’m standing up right, withering like a willow. 

Hoping for rain, to wash away, to cloud the mirror. 

You came into my life as a drop that turned into a deep ocean. 

I took the plunge, shattered the mirror, innocence gone.

The rain was warm, I lost myself, whirling in the depths.

Free for a moment, you are the world

Eating at each strand of my homegrown heart.

I’m in too deep, drifting from your current, suspended in my tears.

You were always in the mirror, your hand over mine.

I’m at the coastline now, looking over the sea where I once swam,

After the plunge I’m a little more broken, I’m a little more me. 


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