2 мин


When I saw you wandering around,

Just a timid girl, looking at the ground.

Really didn't seem familiar to the place.

Never thought we gonna sing a single sound.

It all started from a little glance.

Thought I look inside, deeper than the face.

There was something strange, something, that i found.

Never thought of chat, never thought of chance.

Well, it's not some kind of craze,

But when you talked, I was amazed by

Such fantastic thoughts

It's simply silly to deny.

Just two little pieces met

To solve the puzzles of the life.

We have same path,

We have same fate,

We have same point of gaze,

We are the soul mates.

You have all the qualities I missed

We have our sins, no one's masterpiece.

We fit to each other, we don't need a glue.

Puzzle is complete and, you know, I am pleased

I can blame myself for something, just a few

Then you give me some relief, and that's a cure

In a certain sense, maybe we're twins.

Certain point of view, certain part of you.

Can't believe, that this was true

Our sudden cross on avenue

Barely knew your name and face

But was already in a daze of

When I saw you wandering around.


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