1 min read

If the Moon On the Skies

If the moon on the skies does not roam,

But cools, like a seal above,

My dead husband enters the

To read the letters of love.

He remembers the box, made of oak,

With the lock, very secret and odd,

And spreads through a floor the

Of his feet in the iron bond.

He watches the times of the

And the signatures' blurry set.

Hasn't had he sufficiently

And pains in this word until that?

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Анна Ахматова

Стихи Анны Ахматовой. (11 [23] июня 1889 — 5 марта 1966) — поэт Серебряного века, переводчица и литературовед, одна из наиболее значимых фигур р…

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