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London Types Mounted Police

Army Reserve; a worshipper of Bobs,

With whom he stripped the smock from Candahar;

Neat as his mount, that neatest among cobs;

Whenever pageants pass, or meetings are,

He moves conspicuous, vigilant, severe,

With his Light Cavalry hand and seat and look,

A living type of Order, in whose sphere Is room for neither Hooligan nor Hook.

For in his shadow, wheresoe'er he ride,

Paces, all eye and hardihood and grip,

The dreaded Crusher, might in his every stride And right materialized girt at his hip;

And they, that shake to see these twain go by,

Feel that the Tec, that plain-clothes Terror, is nigh.

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William Ernest Henley

William Ernest Henley (23 August 1849 – 11 July 1903) was an English poet, writer, critic and editor in late Victorian England. Though he wrote …

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