2 мин

Huge Vapours Brood above the Clifted Shore

Huge vapours brood above the clifted shore,  Night o'er the ocean settles, dark and mute,  Save where is heard the repercussive roar  Of drowsy billows, on the rugged foot  Of rocks remote; or still more distant tone  Of seamen, in the anchored bark, that tell  The watch relieved; or one deep voice alone,  Singing the hour, and bidding "strike the bell."  All is black shadow, but the lucid line Marked by the light surf on the level sand,

Or where afar, the ship-lights faintly shine Like wandering fairy fires, that oft on land Mislead the pilgrim; such the dubious ray That wavering reason lends, in life's long darkling way.


Charlotte Smith

Charlotte Turner Smith (4 May 1749 – 28 October 1806) was an English Romantic poet and novelist. She initiated a revival of the English sonnet, …

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