2 мин

Returned To Say

When I face north a lost Creeon some new shore puts a moccasin down,rock in the light and noon for seeing,he in a hurry and I beside

It will be a long trip; he will be a new chief;we have drunk new water from an unnamed stream;under little dark trees he is to find a pathwe both must travel because we have met.

Henceforth we gesture even by waiting;there is a grain of sand on his knifebladeso small he blows it and while his breathingdarkens the steel his become

And start a new vision: the rest of his life.

We will mean what he does.

Back of this pagethe path turns north.

We are looking for a sign.

Our moccasins do not mark the ground.


William Stafford

William Edgar Stafford (January 17, 1914 – August 28, 1993) was an American poet and pacifist. He was the father of poet and essayist Kim Staffo…

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