1 мин

With A Copy Of The Rabbi Of Bachwach

Burst out in wailing riot,

Thou darkling martyr-lay,

That in my soul, flame-quiet,

I've borne this many a day!

It thrills through every

And so the heart doth gain.

I've conjured up, unfearing,

The thousand-year-old pain.

Great, little, weep and

Cold hearts do tearful grow :

The small stars weep in heaven,

The maids and flowers below.

The tears, still southward fleeting,

To the still conclave

And all, each other meeting,

Into the Jordan flow.


Heinrich Heine

Heinrich Heine (13 December 1797 – 17 February 1856) was a German poet, writer and literary critic. He is best known outside Germany for his ear…

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