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The Vulgar Little Lady

"But, mamma, now, " said Charlotte, "pray, don't you believe  That I'm better than Jenny, my nurse?

Only see my red shoes, and the lace on my sleeve;  Her clothes are a thousand times worse."I ride in my coach, and have nothing to do,  And the country folks stare at me so;

And nobody dares to control me but you  Because I'm a lady, you know. "Then, servants are vulgar, and I am genteel;   So really, 'tis out of the way,

To think that I should not be better a deal  Than maids, and such people as they. " "Gentility,

Charlotte," her mother replied,   "Belongs to no station or place;

And there's nothing so vulgar as folly and pride,   Though dress'd in red slippers and lace.

Not all the fine things that fine ladies possess  Should teach them the poor to despise;

For 'tis in good manners, and not in good dress,   That the truest gentility lies'.

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Ann Taylor

Ann Taylor (30 January 1782 – 20 December 1866) was an English poet and literary critic. She gained long-lasting popularity in her youth as a wr…

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