After Release From Prison
Where are you
At home
Still unaccustomed- awake or sleeping- to being in your own home
Where are you
At home
Still unaccustomed- awake or sleeping- to being in your own home
My one and only
Your last letter says:"My head is throbbing, my heart is stunned
"You say:"If they hang you, if I lose you, I'll die
The Blue-Eyed Giant, the Miniature Woman and the Honeysuckle He was a blue-eyed giant,
He loved a miniature woman
The woman's dream was of a miniature house with a garden where honeysuckle grows in a riot of colours that sort of house
my head foaming clouds, sea inside me and out I am a walnut tree in Gulhane Park an old walnut, knot by knot, shred by shred Neither you are aware of this, nor the police I am a walnut tree in Gulhane Park My leaves are nimble, nimble like fish in...
Comrades, if I don't live to see the day— I mean,if I die before freedom comes —take me awayand bury me in a village cemetery in Anatolia
The worker Osman whom Hassan Bey ordered shotcan lie on one side of me, and on the other sidethe martyr ...
You are my enslavement and my
You are my flesh burning like a raw summer
You are my
You are the green silks in hazel
Our eyes are limpid drops of water
In each drop exists a tiny sign of our geniuswhich has given life to cold iron
Our eyes are limpid drops of watermerged absolutely in the Oceanthat you could hardly recognize the drop in a block of ice ...
Look at the lion in the iron cage,look deep into his eyes: like two naked steel daggers they sparkle with anger
But he never loses his dignity although his anger comes and goes goes and comes
You couldn't find a place for a collarround h...
The hair falling on your forehead suddenly lifted
Suddenly something stirred on the ground
The trees are whispering in the dark
Your bare arms will be cold
I finally made it to your city,but I was late,
Samet,we couldn't get together:
I was late by the space of death
I didn't want to hear your voiceon tape, samet --I can't look at pictures of the deadwithout totally dying
Today is Sunday
For the first time they took me out into the sun today
And for the first time in my life I was aghast that the sky is so far away and so blue and so vast I stood there without a motion
Then I sat on the ground with r...
You're like a scorpion, my brother,you live in cowardly darkness like a scorpion
You're like a sparrow, my brother,always in a sparrow's flutter
You're like a clam, my brother,closed like a clam, content,
And you're frightening, my ...