The Princess The Conclusion
So closed our tale, of which I give you
The random scheme as wildly as it rose:
The words are mostly mine; for when we
There came a minute's pause, and Walter said,'I wish she had not yielded
So closed our tale, of which I give you
The random scheme as wildly as it rose:
The words are mostly mine; for when we
There came a minute's pause, and Walter said,'I wish she had not yielded
I have gone sometimes by the gates of Death And stood beside the cavern through whose doors Enter the voyagers into the unseen
From that dread threshold only, gazing back,
Have eyes in swift illumination seen Life utterly revealed, and g...
The pigeons which flutter in the meadow, the game which runs and sees in the dark, the water animals, the animal enslaved, the last butterflies
also are thirsty
But to dissolve where that wandering cloud is dissolving - Oh
Favoured ...
When earth's last thesis is
From the theses that went before,
When idea from fact has
And bare-boned factlets shall bore,