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The Maple Tree

The Maple with its tassell flowers of

That turns to red, a stag horn shapèd

Just spreading out its scalloped leaves is seen,

Of yellowish hue yet beautifully green.

Bark ribb'd like corduroy in seamy

That farther up the stem is smoother seen,

Where the white hemlock with white umbel

Up each spread stoven to the branches

And mossy round the stoven spread dark

And blotched leaved orchids and the blue-bell flowers -Thickly they grow and neath the leaves are seen.

I love to see them gemm'd with morning hours.

I love the lone green places where they

And the sweet clothing of the Maple tree.


John Clare

John Clare (13 July 1793 – 20 May 1864) was an English poet. The son of a farm labourer, he became known for his celebrations of the English cou…

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