1 min read

Lyric written in 1830

What means my name to you?…T'will

As does the melancholy

Of distant waves or, of a summer,

The forest's hushed nocturnal sigh.

Found on a fading album page,

Dim will it seem and enigmatic,

Like words traced on a tomb, a

Of some long dead and vanished age.

What's in my name?…Long since forgot,

Erased by new, tempestuous passion,of tenderness 'twill leave you

The lingering and sweet impression.

But in an hour of agony,

Pray, speak it, and recall my image,

And say, "He still remembers me,

His heart alone still pays me homage."

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Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin

Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin was a Russian poet, playwright, and novelist of the Romantic era who is considered by many to be the greatest Russ…

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