2 мин

Sonnet to My Wife

The curse of Adam, the old curse of all,

Though I inherit in this feverish life Of worldly toil, vain wishes, and hard strife,

And fruitless thought, in Care's eternal thrall,

Yet more sweet honey than of bitter gall I taste, through thee, my Eve, my sweet wife.

Then what was Man's lost Paradise!—how rife Of bliss, since love is with him in his fall!

Such as our own pure passion still might frame,

Of this fair earth, and its delightful bow'rs,

If no fell sorrow, like the serpent, came To trail its venom o'er the sweetest flow'rs;— But oh! as many and such tears are ours,

As only should be shed for guilt and shame!


Thomas Hood

Thomas Hood (23 May 1799 – 3 May 1845) was an English poet, author and humorist, best known for poems such as "The Bridge of Sighs" and "The Son…

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