1 мин


She paved the way with perfume

Of flowers that moved like winds alight,

And never weary grew my

Wandering through[the spring's delight.

She dropped her sweet fife to her

And lured me with her melodies,

To where the great big wandering

Put out into the peaceful seas.

But when the year grew chill and brown,

And all the wings of Summer flown,

Within the tumult of a

She left me to grow old alone.

This poem taken from "Last Songs" by Francis Ledwidge,

Published by Herbert Jenkins,

London 1918 page 22-23checked and verified

Sprobable date of writing 1916


Francis Ledwidge

Francis Edward Ledwidge (19 August 1887 – 31 July 1917) was an Irish war poet and soldier from County Meath.[1] Sometimes known as the "poet of …

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