2 мин

I want to sell my soul to someone

I want to sell my soul to someone.

I don't need it any more.

Because of it, I have become one,

In whom there is a bigest war.

My feelings kill me every day,

My thoughts disturb me and distress,

My heart reffuses to obey,

I can't clean out this fucking mess.

But now I don't intend to suffer.

I'm gonna sell my soul today.

Or with time it will be harder,

To live again disgusting day.

I get the book in Latin language

And find one strange and mistique spell,

Pronaunce the words, and heavy baggage,

Inside of me that, goes to hell.

I sold my soul and felt release.

My feelings gone, I became free.

I found the cure for my disease,

And everything then died for me.


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