2 min read

listwish narezka-pontorezka (to my "realy just friend" girl)) ❤️

Oh, stop it.. i'm afraid and lost.. 

Don't send me her posts, 

Please i very don't it want..

my Lord.. 🤣

It's list of badtaste 🤡

For musician it's like the death 😵‍💫

The "pontonarezka" of the worst of the worst..😆

She thinks it's my music 🤣

It's just another thing of stupid.🤨 

Hmm.. oh, Jesus, she posts what I write about.. 🙈🙊

But her posts 

just are the empty ponts. 

Please don't send me hers anymore..  

I really don't want it.. to know 

about her and him 

and all them anything.  

My ex-friend was more important than they are. 

But how beautiful you can 

make me cheerful again.. 😁 

Love you my tiggerjustfriend 🐯

(girl))) ❤️


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