2 мин

Written in London September 1802

O Friend!

I know not which way I must

For comfort, being, as I am, opprest,

To think that now our life is only

For show; mean handy-work of craftsman, cook,

Or groom! — We must run glittering like a

In the open sunshine, or we are unblest:

The wealthiest man among us is the best:

No grandeur now in nature or in

Delights us.

Rapine, avarice, expense,

This is idolatry; and these we adore:

Plain living and high thinking are no more:

The homely beauty of the good old

Is gone; our peace, our fearful innocence,

And pure religion breathing household laws.

This was written immediately after my return from France to London, when I could not but be struck, as here described, with the vanity and parade of our own country, especially in great towns and cities, as contrasted with the quiet, and I may say the desolation, that the Revolution had produced in France.

This must be borne in mind, or else the reader may think that in this and the succeeding sonnets I have exaggerated the mischief engendered and fostered among us by undisturbed wealth" (W.

W., in 1843).

O Friend!:



William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth (7 April 1770 – 23 April 1850) was an English Romantic poet who, with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, helped to launch the Romantic …

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