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The Best is Good Enough

I quarrel not with destiny,

But make the best of everything—The best is good enough for me.

Leave discontent alone, and

Will shut her mouth and let you sing.

I quarrel not with destiny.

I take some things, or let 'em be—Good gold has always got the ring;

The best is good enough for me.

Since fate insists on secrecy,

I have no arguments to bring—I quarrel not with destiny.

The fellow that goes "haw" for "gee"Will find he hasn't got full swing.

The best is good enough for me.

One only knows our needs, and

Does all of the distributing.

I quarrel not with destiny:

The best is good enough for me.


James Whitcomb Riley

James Whitcomb Riley (October 7, 1849 – July 22, 1916) was an American writer, poet, and best-selling author. During his lifetime he was known a…

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