1 min read

A Glow Fills The Sky

A glow fills the sky.

The night is wild and dead.

Woods wall around me, an overwhelming crowd.

But clearly, as if the words have just been said,

A strange and distant talk is breaking out loud.

I recognize the fort, the buildings' heavy rank,

The towers, and wards, and merlons, and loopholes,

Dark gardens guarded by the rusty drawbridge crank,

And proud bailey walls of time-unworn strongholds.

So clearly does a profound

Prepare for revival, with insistence,

The city buzz of ages far

And the returning flow of existence.

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Source: 'Na nebe zarevo...'

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Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Blok

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok (28 November 1880 – 7 August 1921) was a Russian lyrical poet, writer, publicist, playwright, translator, literary …

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