1 min read

I Apprehend You

I apprehend You.

The years pass by -Yet in constant form,

I apprehend You.

The whole horizon is aflame - impossibly sharp,

And mute,

I wait, - with longing and with love.

The whole horizon is aflame, and your appearance near.

And yet I fear that You will change your form,

Give rise to impudent

By changing Your familiar contours in the end.

Oh, how I'll fall - so low and bitter,

Defeated by my fatal dreams!

How sharp is the horizon!

Radiance is near.

And yet I fear that You will change your form.

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Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Blok

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok (28 November 1880 – 7 August 1921) was a Russian lyrical poet, writer, publicist, playwright, translator, literary …

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