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Cantos Nuevos -- With Translation

Dice la tarde: "¡Tengo sed de sombra!"Dice la luna: "¡Yo, sed de luceros!"La fuente cristalina pide labiosy suspira el viento.

Yo tengo sed de aromas y de risas,sed de cantares nuevossin lunas y sin lirios,y sin amores muertos.

Un cantar de mañana que estremezcaa los remansos quietosdel porvenir.

Y llene de esperanzasus ondas y sus cienos.

Un cantar luminoso y reposadopleno de pensamiento,virginal de tristeza y de angustiasy virginal de ensueños.

Cantar sin carne lírica que llenede risas el silencio(una bandada de palomas ciegaslanzadas al misterio).

Cantar que vaya al alma de las cosasy al alma de los vientosy que descanse al fin en la alegríadel corazón eterno.   ~~~  ~~~  ~~~  ~~~  ~~~  ~~~  ~~~  ~~~  ~~~                    New

The afternoon says:"I'm thirsty for shadow!"And the moon: "I want stars."The crystal fountain asks for lips,the wind, for sighs.

I'm thirsty for scents and for laughter.

Thirsty for new songswithout irises or moons,without dead loves.

A morning song that can shiverquiet backwatersof the future and filltheir waves and silt with hope.

A luminous and tranquil songfull of thought,virgin to sadness and anguish,virgin to reverie.

A song skinned of lyric, fillingsilence with laughter.(A flock of blind dovestossed into mystery.)A song to go to the soul of thingsand to the soul of winds,resting at last in the blissof the eternal heart.

Thanks to Oldpoetry reader ea for sourcing the translation.

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Federico Garcia Lorca

Federico del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús García Lorca (5 June 1898 – 19 August 1936), known as Federico García Lorca, was a Spanish poet, playwrigh…

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