1 мин

Covering Two Years

This nothingness that feeds upon itself:

Pencils that turn to water in the hand,

Parts of a sentence, hanging in the air,

Thoughts breaking in the mind like glass,

Blank sheets of paper that reflect the

Whitened the world that I was silenced by.

There were two years of that.


Whatever splits, dissevers, cuts, cracks, ravels, or

To bring me to that diet of corrosion,

And flickered to its terminal.—Now in an older handI write my name.

Now with a voice grown unfamiliar,

I speak to silences of altered rooms,

Shaken by knowledge of recurrence and return.


Weldon Kees

Harry Weldon Kees (February 24, 1914 – disappeared July 18, 1955) was an American poet, painter, literary critic, novelist, playwright, jazz pia…

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