1 min read

Hildebrand Who was frightened by a Passing Motor and was brought to Reason

"Oh murder!

What was that,

Papa!""My child,

It was a Motor-Car,

A most Ingenious Toy!

Designed to Captivate and

Much rather than to rouse

In any English Boy."What would your Great Grandfather

Was Aide-de-Camp to General Brue,

And lost a leg at Waterloo,

And Quatre-Bras and Ligny too!

And died at Trafalgar!-What would he have remarked to

His Young Descendant shriek with fear,

Because he happened to be nearA Harmless Motor-Car!

But do not fret about it!


We'll off to

And purchase some!"

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Hilaire Belloc

Joseph Hilaire Pierre René Belloc (27 July 1870[1] – 16 July 1953) was a British-French writer and historian and one of the most prolific writer…

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