1 min read

Woman in Love

That is my window.

Just nowI have so softly wakened.

I thought that I would float.

How far does my life reach,and where does the night beginI could think that everythingwas still me all around;transparent like a crystal'sdepths, darkened, mute.

I could keep even the starswithin me; so immensemy heart seems to me; so willinglyit let him go I began perhaps to love, perhaps to hold.

Like something strange, undreamt-of,my fate now gazes at me.

For what, then, am I stretched outbeneath this endlessness,exuding fragrance like a meadow,swayed this way and that,calling out and frightenedthat someone will hear the call,and destined to disappearinside some other life.

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Rainer Maria Rilke

René Karl Wilhelm Johann Josef Maria Rilke (4 December 1875 – 29 December 1926), was a Bohemian-Austrian poet and novelist. He is "widely recogn…

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