1 мин

Not Mine

All my life to pretend this world of theirs is

And to know such pretending is disgraceful.

But what can I do?

Suppose I suddenly

And started to prophesy.

No one would hear me.

Their screens and microphones are not for that.

Others like me wander the

And talk to themselves.

Sleep on benches in parks,

Or on pavements in alleys.

For there aren't enough

To lock up all the poor.

I smile and keep quiet.

They won't get me now.

To feast with the chosen—that I do well.

Translated by Robert Hass


Czeslaw Milosz

Czesław Miłosz (30 June 1911 – 14 August 2004) was a Polish-American poet, prose writer, translator, and diplomat. Regarded as one of the great …

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