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The Great Twin Brethren

The battle will not cease Till once again on those white steeds ye ride,

O heaven-descended Twins,

Before humanity's bewildered host.

Our javelins Fly wide,

And idle is our cannon's boast.

Lead us, triumphant Brethren,

Love and Peace.

A fairer Golden Fleece Our more adventurous Argo fain would seek,

But save,

O Sons of Jove,

Your blended light go with us, vain employ It were to rove This bleak,

Blind waste.

To unimagined joy Guide us, immortal Brethren,

Love and Peace.


Katharine Lee Bates

Katharine Lee Bates (August 12, 1859 – March 28, 1929) was a prolific American writer, college professor, scholar, and social activist. Although…

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