2 min read

Damayante To Nala In The Hour Of Exile

LT thou be conquered of a human fate My liege, my lover, whose imperial head Hath never bent in sorrow of defeat?

Shalt thou be vanquished, whose imperial feet Have shattered armies and stamped empires dead?

Who shall unking thee, husband of a queen?

Wear thou thy majesty inviolate.

Earth's glories flee of human eyes unseen,

Earth's kingdoms fade to a remembered dream,

But thine henceforth shall be a power supreme, Dazzling command and rich dominion,

The winds thy heralds and thy vassals all The silver-belted planets and the sun.

Where'er the radiance of thy coming fall,

Shall dawn for thee her saffron footcloths spread,

Sunset her purple canopies and red,

In serried splendour, and the night unfold Her velvet darkness wrought with starry gold For kingly raiment, soft as cygnet-down.

My hair shall braid thy temples like a crown Of sapphires, and my kiss upon thy brows Like çithar-music lull thee to repose,

Till the sun yield thee homage of his light.

O king, thy kingdom who from thee can wrest?

What fate shall dare uncrown thee from this breast,

O god-born lover, whom my love doth gird And armour with impregnable delight Of Hope's triumphant keen flame-carven sword?

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Sarojini Naidu

Sarojini Chattopadhyay Naidu (13 February 1879 – 2 March 1949) was an Indian political activist and poet. A proponent of civil rights, women's e…

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