2 мин

Am I ready to give up?


A vulture chewing up my heart

Until my body will depart.

Damnation in eternal fall, 

How come do I deserve it all?

Chasing my dreams until I die,

Be faster than blink of an eye

I run past others, living, dead,

Have now I come to meet my end?

Past months flew by in painful task

To prove myself without a mask.

It seemed so easy - find a job

But I did not outrun the mob.

Uncertain future of my days,

Returning home now it portrays.

And every person, big and small

Tells me to give up on my brawl.

I now accept the forecast.

But there are questions to be asked:

Was it my fault, or was it fate,

Is future not mine to create?


Fedor Pankratov

Come join me, in anger, in pain, and in wonder. The Empire of man, soon, it will go under. Hear me, despite the constant chatter. We’ll talk abo…

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