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A Fish Answers

Amazing monster! that, for aught I know,

With the first sight of thee didst make our race For ever stare!

O flat and shocking face,

Grimly divided from the breast below!

Thou that on dry land horribly dost go With a split body and most ridiculous pace,

Prong after prong, disgracer of all grace,

Long-useless-finned, haired, upright, unwet, slow!

O breather of unbreathable, sword-sharp air,

How canst exist?

How bear thyself, thou dry And dreary sloth?

What particle canst share Of the only blessed life, the watery?

I sometimes see of ye an actual pair Go by! linked fin by fin! most odiously.


James Henry Leigh Hunt

James Henry Leigh Hunt (19 October 1784 – 28 August 1859), best known as Leigh Hunt, was an English critic, essayist and poet.

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