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Sonnet 21 Your Words My Friend

Your words, my friend, (right healthful caustics) blame My young mind marr'd, whom Love doth windlass so,

That mine own writings like bad servants show My wits, quick in vain thoughts, in virtue lame;

That Plato I read for nought, but if he tame Such doltish gyres; that to my birth I owe Nobler desires, lest else that friendly foe,

Great Expectation, were a train of shame.

For since mad March great promise made of me,

If now the May of my years much decline,

What can be hoped my harvest time will be?

Sure you say well, "Your wisdom's golden mine,

Dig deep with learning's spade." Now tell me this,

Hath this world aught so fair as Stella is?

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Sir Philip Sidney

Sir Philip Sidney (30 November 1554 – 17 October 1586) was an English poet, courtier, scholar and soldier who is remembered as one of the most p…

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